大卫. Vosburg个人

Group photo of the Vosburg family
My family celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day in Guanajuato, Mexico

Kate and I wrote a book on science and faith, which can be found at 亚马逊.

Cover of Jesus, Beginnings, and Science.

A podcast where I discussed science & 基督教约翰·波金霍恩爵士.

校园团契 grad/faculty ministries

科学与信仰对话 我已经给了.


From the Dust: Conversations in Creation


“Yet the making of things is in my heart from my own making by thee; and the child of little understanding that makes a play of the deeds of his father may do so 与out thought of mockery, but because he is the son of his father.”

- Aulë到Ilúvatar, J. R. R. 托尔金,《太阳2平台》(1977), p. 43

“…for a scientist who occasionally is given the remarkable privilege of discovering something not previously known by man, there is a special kind of joy associated 与 such flashes of insight. Having perceived a glimmer of scientific truth, I find at once both a sense of satisfaction and a longing to understand some even greater Truth. In such a moment, science becomes more than a process of discovery. It transports the scientist into an experience that defies a completely naturalistic explanation.”

——弗朗西斯·柯林斯上帝的语言(2006), p. 36

“If evolution is a correct description of how life emerged and developed on earth, denying it doesn’t make it false, any more than denying God renders him nonexistent. 此外, if the evidence for evolution is accurate, 科学证明了这一点, and nature bears witness to the handiwork of God, then rejecting evolution becomes, 实际上, 对上帝的拒绝. 这是我担心的. More than worrying that evolution jeopardizes Christian faith, I worry that rejecting evolution truncates Christian faith. 再一次。, 信仰是重要的, it needs to correspond to the way things actually are, rather than how I want things to be.”

——丹尼尔·哈雷尔Nature’s Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith(2008), p. 132